Many clients worldwide are very interested in our animatronic dinosaurs and most of them are very eager to know and wondering how we make such special model-animatronic dinosaurs. So we have collecting information in our company and finished this page to show all clients how we make an animatronic dinosaurs in our factory.
1. The First Step
After we get dinosaurs order from our clients , our artist will draw the dinosaurs draft according to the order and show the draft to our metal engineers. Then our metal framing engineers will create the dinosaurs main structure and install engines on dinosaurs body according to the draft
2. The Second Step
After dinosaurs Main Structure Finished , Engineers will install electrical engines and gear reducer (mainly used for big dinosaur and big movements ) on the body of dinosaurs and then paint anti-rust painting on dinosaurs metal framing in order the metal can lasting at least 5 years without getting rusty.
3. The Third Step
When we finished the second step , we will start testing and make sure the metal framing with the dinosaurs driven engines are working well
4. The Fourth Step
After testing the metal framing of our animatronic dinosaurs. We will start dinosaurs silicon rubber skin process in factory.
5. The Fifth Step
Artist Using Special Artist Knife To Make The Main Shape And Sponge Strcture Of Animatronic Dinosaurs
6. The Sixth Step
Engineers Use Electric Soldering Iron To Create The Texture and Dermatoglyph Of Dinosaurs
7. The Seventh
Fiberglass Silicon Attach On Dinosaurs Skin In Order It Can Sunshine And Raining Proof
8. The Eighth Step
Silicon Fiberglass On Dinosaurs Skin And Special Material Lady Socks Attach To The Silicon Skin
9. The Ninth Step
Fiberglass Glue Mix To Gasoline And Brush On Dinosaurs Skin To Make Animatronic Dinosaurs Much Stronger. Sunshine , Raining as well as Snow Proof
10. The Final Step
Color Painting On The Skin Of Animatronic Dinosaurs
After Painting , We will have final quality testing and system adjustment of animatronic dinosaurs in our factory in order clients can get the perfect quality dinosaurs in their side.
When all the dinosaurs finished in our factory , we will send final photos and video to clients . After clients satisfied with all the details of our animatronic dinosaurs , we will start packing dinosaurs in factory and get ready for the transportation .
Package Material
1.Air bubble sponge on the inner layer to keep dinosaurs skin away from any damage during the long way transportation !
2.Plastic wrap on the second layer to preventing dinosaurs skin away from dust. To make sure they are still new when they arrived in clients’ location after oversea’s delivery !
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Dinosaurs World Science &Technology operates 123 availability zones in 63 regions around the world with more global regions set to follow.